
JSON RPC client

Ether Binder comes with HTTP JSON RPC client. It’s used with execution client to interact with blockchain. It facilitates such operations as reading blocks, fetching and sending transactions and such.


Right now only http[s] RPC is supported. To instantiate it, just pass url. For some RPC providers you may need custom headers for example for authorization. Only required parameter is url. Note that Content-Type header will always be set to application/json, even its set in param to be something else

$rpc = new \M8B\EtherBinder\RPC\HttpRPC("", ["X-Api-Key" => "foo-bar"])



RPC follows naming convention of following RPC function names, removing _ to split function name. For example eth_getBlockByHash becomes ethGetBlockByHash.

Block number param

Some endpoints require block number parameter, which is either string or block number on RPC. In Ether-Binder the parameter becomes int or enum (BlockParam). Available BlockParams:


Names of these are consistent with RPC.

Endpoint specific reference

There is no documentation for specific RPC points in Ether-Binder library, as you will get the best with official JSON RPC of either your specific provider, or your specific execution client like this for geth, or you can always see this official docs or this official spec. Since there is plenty of documentation for these, it would be redundant and counter-productive to rewrite this.

If you take RPC as parameter, you SHOULD type for AbstractRPC, not HttpRPC. This allows in future implementation of different transports

Missing methods

Some clients implement additional functions which differ from the official spec. Most often used function that can be an example is debug_traceTransaction. While very common method, it’s not standard as per spec. To call non-standard method, use runRpc method.

$rpc->runRpc("module_someMethod", ["param1", "param2"]);

Note that this function requires strings as inputs. Most of Ether Binder types support functions that should help you, such as toHex() and encodeHex(). Output is always array, as this function is unaware if return type is single value or not. For single returns, it might be most convenient to use ::fromHex() static functions.

Adding more supported protocols

Create new class, that extends AbstractRPC and implement __construct to your liking. Next, you need to implement one function to make it functional:

public function raw(string $method, ?array $params = null): array

It’s your responsibility to track id of the request.

You must ensure only exception that will be thrown is M8B\EtherBinder\Exceptions\RPCGeneralException.

You put zero effort beyond json_decode into parsing the output, the AbstractRPC will take care of this. Note 2 things:

If $params is null, set it to empty array - []

Param $method should be passed “as-is” to the RPC, same with params.

Return output array “as is”.

Internal structure

Specific method bindings are split into modules:


Each one extends previous one, in alphabetical order, AbstractModule MUST be parent of all of them. It defines abstract function that is implemented by AbstractRPC to actually call the RPC, and AbstractRPC is child of last Compound, and it’s parent of AbstractRPC. This approach allows nice division for modules. Compound is special class that contains non-existent RPCs that may be useful. Right now it only provides calcAvgTip and isLookingLikeLondon helper functions required for internal creation of transactions (one decides if we need to create London Transaction or Legacy one, another one helps to decide what’s average miner Tip value, to use that as default tip)

There are some helpers for making api more convenient. Eth module contains helper that parses transaction into message (since this library avoids Message). AbstractModule contains helper to allow accepting Block or Hash for block hash, and to parse BlockParam into RPC value.