Ether Binder
Set of utilities for interacting with Ethereum and it's smart contracts with PHP, with generating ABI bindings and Ethereum-related types
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Ether Binder relies on exceptions. Aim is that all exceptions thrown by library are children of \M8B\EtherBinder\Exceptions\EtherBinderException. Then there are 3 other "basic" exceptions, which are used as their "vanilla php" variant:


If EthBinderLogicException is thrown, this should mean bug in library. Exceptions try to explain the problem in their name, and functions should have documentation block with thrown exceptions, so you can leverage your IDE to either see at glance what's thrown or even auto-generate catch clauses. In case you don't care about specific exception, you can just use the "main" EtherBinderException, and that's the express purpose of this exception.