Ether Binder
Set of utilities for interacting with Ethereum and it's smart contracts with PHP, with generating ABI bindings and Ethereum-related types
No Matches
Ethereum friendly types

Ether binder supports few types to allow easier and more convinient interactions with Ethereum blockchain.

All types below reside in \M8B\EtherBinder\Common namespace


Transaction class is split for abstract class that contains common logic between transactions and specific transaction types, such as LegacyTransaction, AccessListTransaction and LondonTransaction (also known as Dynamic Fee transaction). Decoding transaction should be done from Abstract transaction types, it will infer transaction type from typed transaction byte or if decoding from RPC array from "type" field.

Transaction object can be created manually, or loaded from RPC, or created by binding. It also has some convenience functions to fetch from RPC commonly fetched data from RPC, such as gas estimations or nonce.


Hash (and it's children classes, even Address) are basically prettier byte arrays of constant size. It has NULL() static method that returns 0-filled Hash (or child object), comparison function eq, getter / setter combo (fromBin, toBin), and hex en/de-coding functions (fromHex, toHex).

All fromHex are tolerant for 0x and for lack of 0x, and toHex produces by default 0x-prefixed strings, which can be disabled with optional boolean parameter bool $with0x to false.

Children without modification other than byte array size:

  • BlockNonce
  • Bloom

Other children:

  • SolidityFunction4BytesSignature
  • Address


On top of standard things in Hash, Address performs EIP-55 (mixed-case address checksum) validation on fromHex() function, and has additional method checksummed(), which should be always preferred over toHex(). It also has __toString(), which allows casting to string. It just returns same as checksummed().


Block is DTO class with helper function to instantiate from RPC response and see if it contains EIP1559 data (also known as post-london block). It contains all the standard things the RPC returns using Ether Binder types. Fields are public, and meant to be accessed.


Receipt is very similar to Block in the functionality sense - it's DTO class with fields like in RPC response receipt. It has helper function to instantiate from RPC response and public fields to be accessed.

Validator Withdrawal

ValidatorWithdrawal type is as previous two, a DTO for grabbing data from RPC. Again, it has utility function to parse from RPC output array and typed public variables, meant to be accessed directly.

Solidity functions

2 Types that are tightly related with bindings - solidity can accept function type parameter which consists of address + function signature. To allow calling such function in typed manner, appropriate type exists - SolidityFunction with it's accompanied SolidityFunction4BytesSignature function which accepts signature as string or already processed 4 bytes. Since signature is just 4 bytes array, it's child class of Hash.

Transaction Type

TransactionType is enum representing type of transaction, it contains simple utility functions to get int or byte type from EIP-2718 (Typed Transaction Envelope), spawn underlying transaction (allowing to have common code for instantiating transaction of underlying type) and creating enum from various ways of representing said EIP type number.